Inspire us, O God, with a love of all men,
and especially for those who suffer and are persecuted;
teach us to go in Your name,
as Christ-bearers, to bring love where there is hate,
light of Christian principles where there is darkness of error;
help us for Your honor and Glory to renew the face of the earth.
Enable us never to flinch where truth and justice are assailed.
May we serve You by prayer and good works
by bringing into every phase of private and public life
the only truth that can make me free,
the only love that embraces all mankind,
the only peace that will last through the eternal ages.
Be so kind as to heed our fervent prayer,
almighty God, that we,
Your sons and daughters,
despite our many weaknesses and failures,
may be found worthy instruments of Your peace and messengers of Your love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.