Finding Life in the Desert
It was a hot, sunny day in February when we four seminarians and four lay people from the Columban Mission Collaborators (CMC) set out to prepare for a month of mission in the north of Lima, Peru.
Columban Seminarian Martin Koroiciri
February 28, 2018
From the Minarets and Mosques in Pakistan ...
After 34 years of missionary work in Pakistan, I came to Rome at the end of 2011 to serve as the procurator-general of the Missionary Society of St. Columban.
Fr. Robert McCulloch
February 28, 2018
Follow Me
The Columban Fathers' house in Bristol, Rhode Island, was a seminary for many years, but in the 1960's there were a few vacant priest rooms and a few retired Columbans moved in.
Fr. John Burger
February 28, 2018
The Columban Mission Center
As people flee their homelands in massive numbers all around the world, Columbans support their local churches wherever they are, as they respond generously and warmly to newcomers and strangers. It is a stated priority for all Columban priests and lay missionaries.
Fr. Robert Mosher
February 27, 2018
Columban Mission in Britain
As we look back on 100 years of Columban mission worldwide, here in Britain we give thanks to God for all the gifts and challenges which have been showered on us.
Fr. Peter Hughes
February 27, 2018
The "Living Water" Encounter
In my eleven years of ministering to the Atayal people of Miaoli County in Taiwan, I've listened to numerous stories about how God makes His presence felt in the lives of others. One story that touched me and left a deep impression in me is that of Yada Umon.
Vida Hequilan
February 26, 2018
The Migrants
Chile is one of the developing countries in the world in terms of infrastructure, economy and business with good salary rates that catch the attention of workers in foreign countries especially those countries that are not so progressive.
Michael Javier
February 26, 2018
A Hundred Years Young
We Columbans will celebrate our centenary from November 2017 to November 2018. This reflects the fact that we were canonically recognized as a missionary Society by Bishop O'Dea of Galway, Ireland, on June 29, 1918, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Fr. Donal McIlraith
February 25, 2018
My One-of-a-Kind Adventure
I am Peter, and I am a third year student at Columban Fr. Neil's Higher Education Center [HEC] in Mandalay, Myanmar (formerly Burma). We get two weeks holiday during the academic year, but most of the 90 students at the HEC cannot go home because our homes are so far away from Mandalay and it is too expensive to travel. Fr. Neil discussed with us what we might do during our break, and we all agreed that we should spend the holiday with the children in orphanages and in the camps in the Kachin State

65 Years in the Windswept Islands
My most vivid memory of 30 years in Fiji is that of drifting at sea in a storm. It was January 2003, and Cyclone Ami had done great damage in the north. I was taking food to the island of Rabi. Fr.
Fr. Donal McIlraith
February 24, 2018
A Great Transformation
In January 1948, two Columban priests arrived in a devastated, demoralized Japan. Less than two and a half years after the end of World War II, the cities were in ruins, the people dispirited and the local church in disarray.
Fr. Leo Schumacher
February 23, 2018
Amen to the Greatness of God
"Allahu akbar, God is greater,' begins the call to prayer from the loud speakers of the thousands of mosques throughout Pakistan. We absolutely say AMEN to the GREATNESS of GOD.
Fr. Dan O'Connor
February 23, 2018
A Triad of Caring
Mission: To promote in all areas of society, with other social representatives, the defense and respect for the human rights of children and adolescents, so that they can opt for a dignified life, and be agents of change in the future. Vision: A society where children and adolescents fully exercise their human rights.
Fr. Tony Coney
February 22, 2018
The Quinlan Chalice
On May 9, 2017, newly ordained Columban Fr. Seok Jin-wook Antonio celebrated Mass for the first time at the Columban formation house in Seoul, South Korea. At that Mass he used the chalice which belonged to Bishop Tom Quinlan, one of the Columban pioneers in Korea.
Fr. Donal O'Keef
February 21, 2018