Are You a Jesus to Me
I met Raj, a Sri Lankan Hindu asylum seeker, about nine years ago at the the Solihull Welcome drop-in center for asylum seekers when I was attending the home office reporting center nearby. He and his family had just been evicted from their apartment and literally had nowhere to go.
By Mauricio Silva
October 31, 2018
Being Present to Others
I always enjoy returning to my home parish of St. Joseph's, New Plymouth, in New Zealand over the Christmas period. There is something refreshing and nourishing about going back to familiar places and meeting again with friends.
By Fr. Brian Vale
October 29, 2018
The Last Supper
The preaching of Jesus and His compassion for the poor and the outcasts was at the heart of the Kingdom of God. He uplifted their human dignity and restored them in the "image and likeness of God."
By Fr. Shay Cullen
October 26, 2018
If the Philippines have the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, here in the north of Chile we have mountains of "chocolates," no green trees, just all brown soil.
By Lorna Canete
October 24, 2018
Late Dawn of a Restless Dream
A faith born in the shadows cast by a single candle in a tightly curtained room of a small farming village in a China emerging from the repression of the Cultural Revolution in the early 1980s blossomed on February 4, 2018, in the chapel of the Columban seminary in Manila, Philippines, as Peter D
By Fr. Jim Mulroney
October 22, 2018
Being Human . . .
I first met Amy from the Philippines after she was brought to the Hope Workers' Center in Taiwan. The Center provides temporary shelter, assistance and counselling for exploited workers, victims of labor and/or sex trafficking.
By Beth Sabado
October 17, 2018
My Vocation Is Love
Not long ago I dared to follow a so called "dream," a dream that became reality when one day I found myself in a place different from my home.
By Monalisa Esteban
October 15, 2018
My Favorite Places
When I was ordained a deacon and later a priest, I worked with young people in one parish in the Philippines. One of my favorite places was the parish youth ministry office. There I was able to meet young people and listen to their stories — of struggles, hurts and rejections.
By Fr. Kurt Zion Pala
October 10, 2018
Sharing Christ
God is always leading us in every step of our journey. But there are times that we do not recognize His presence because of situations that separate us from Him. This is what I remember every time I find it difficult to understand the things happening in my life.
By Gilda Comayas
October 8, 2018
The Columban Centennial Altar Cloth
The next day was more adventurous. Fr. Nilton drove us to Navala, a traditional Catholic village in the mountains over Ba. We got to the bridge just outside the village at 9:30 a.m. A raging torrent kept us from driving over it.
By Columban Missionaries in Fiji
October 3, 2018
Where God Leads
As a teenager Ned Galvin enjoyed seeking out adventure with his friends. During one of their hunting escapades, he threw a lasso over a neighbor's cat that was darting across a roof and pulled him to the ground.

In So Many Words
This year we recall with gratitude the living faith of Columbans and others that has shaped our individual journeys and that of our Society for our first 100 years of mission to the world. Individually, we celebrate our own journeys of striving to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.
By Fr. Peter Woodruff
October 1, 2018