O Holy Spirit, Creator,
mercifully assist Your Catholic Church,
and by Your heavenly power strengthen and establish her
against the assaults of all her enemies;
and by Your love and grace
renew the spirit of Your servants
whom You have anointed,
that in You they may glorify the Father
and His only-begotten Son,
O Jesus, come back into our society,
our family life, our souls
and reign there as our peaceful sovereign.
Enlighten with the splendor of faith
and the charity of your tender heart
the souls of those who work
for the good of the people, for your poor.
Impart in them your own spirit,
a spirit of discipline, order and gentleness,
The Southeast Asian country of Burma was one of the early nations apart from China where the Columbans established a mission in 1936. Unfortunately, the xenophobic Burmese military dictatorship kicked out the last Columbans from that country in 1979.
Columban Fr. Shay Cullen invites you to learn about the lives of Filipinos, the socio-economic situation of the country, the challenges it faces and the courage and resilience of its brave people by reading his new book, Ricky and Julie: A Story of Courage and Survival in the Philippines.
O Angel of God,
make me worthy of your tender love,
your celestial companionship
and your never-failing protection!
O Holy Mother,
Grant to our homes the grace of loving and respecting life,
with the same love with which you conceived in your womb
the life of the Son of God.
Blessed Virgin Mary,
protect our families,
so that they may always be united,
and bless the upbringing of our children.
O ineffable Creator,
You, Who are called the true fountain of light and wisdom,
and the highest beginning,
pour upon the darkness of my understanding,
in which I was born,
the double beam of Your brightness,
removing from me all darkness of sin and ignorance.
You, Who make eloquent the tongue of the dumb,
instruct my tongue,
O Jesus, King most wonderful!
You are Conqueror renowned!
Your Sweetness beyond words!
In who all joys are found!
When You visit our hearts,
Then truth begins to shine;
Then earthly vanities depart;
Then love kindles divine.
I went to China because we used to get The Far East magazine (the magazine of Columban missionaries published in Ireland). I was the eldest of six children: four girls and then two boys. We grew up between Roscommon and Castlerea in Ireland. I read about China in the magazine and decided this is where I would like to end up.
O Jesus, living in Mary,
come and live in us,
in the spirit of Your holiness,
in the abundance of Your gifts,
in the perfection of Your ways,
in the truth of Your virtues,
and in communion with Your Mysteries.